Easter is coming and so are the chocolates!
If you celebrate Easter and there will be a lot of chocolate at your house, remembering a few simple tips will help your teeth survive the sugary, sweet, enamel destroying chocolate deluge.
It seems strange but eating all your chocolate and sugary snacks in one go is much better for your teeth than saving them and only eating a few at a time over days and days.
The reason for this is every time you eat or drink, especially something sweet, bacteria starts to produce acids that attack your enamel and corrode it, causing decay holes to form.
About half an hour after eating or drinking your saliva helps to neutralize the acids.
Constant snacking, especially on sweet foods, will cause numerous acid attacks with acid remaining in the mouth for a longer time, making it easier for cavities to develop.
If you simply MUST have your chocolate, avoid eating it between meals, try to eat it at meal times or all in one go. That way your mouth will be safer from numerous acid attacks.
Water is the best thirst quencher and also helps to neutralize acids in the mouth. And finally, you and your child should always go to bed with clean teeth.
Happy Easter!