YES! Children need help to brush their teeth until they are 10 years old.
A child does not have the manual dexterity or skills to brush properly. Also they don't understand the consequences of poor brushing.
Sure, every child thinks they can `do it themselves' because they like to be independent but only an adult can provide a proper clean with a toothbrush.
It's a good idea to let your child brush their teeth first then you take over and finish the job for them. Don't brush hard, simply reach all the teeth, especially the back ones with a small soft brush.
Some children like the taste the toothpaste with not much brushing. Toothpaste doesn't clean the teeth. It's simply a way to provide fluoride to the developing teeth and provide a fresh breath feeling. It's actually the bristles on the brush that do the cleaning.
If you struggle to be successful for one time of brushing don't give up altogether. Persevere and every morning and every night at least attempt a good brushing. At the very least this action will create a good habit for your child and eventually become an accepted and expected activity.
Try to create a positive atmosphere around brushing time. A song or a story might make it more fun. There are many apps available that could be helpful at brushing time. See the FREE Resources page for details of apps.